Suez Crisis
Israeli leadership grows increasingly weary of cross border attacks from the Egyptian controlled Gala strips as well as Egypts attempts to block Israel shipping in the Suez. Canal and gulf of aqaba the crisis solidifies the frame work of the cold war in the middle east. -
Six Day War
The U.N force is able to prevent major Arab invasions of Israel until the summer of 1967. When Egyptian force gather in sinai and nasser order of international troops to leave. -
Yom Kippur War
Arab nations warn Israel that they will not accept Israeli occupation of lands lost in 1967. -
Camp Davids Accord
Egyptian and Israeli leaders meet at Camp David with President Carter in 1978 to discuss a treaty in which Egypt would regain full control of the Sinai Peninsula. The treaty is signed on March 26, 1979, lending hope to a future of peace in the region -
Polestinian Statehood Declared
Yasser Arafat seeks sole leadership of the Palestinian people and proves a prudent diplomat.Arafat declares Palestinian statehood in November 1988 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.