War in 1967
In the Six Day War, Israel took control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip,West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Israel had gained control of the West Bank and Gaza with a large Palestinian piopulation. -
War in 1973
Egypt and Syria were determined to win back their territory and launched the Yom Kippur War, a surprise attack on Israel. Israel's government was not fully prepared for the attack and needed support from the United States. Arab members of the OPEC declared oil embargo, to countries supporting Isreal, including the United States. -
Peace Agreement
Egypt wanted peace with Israel and to faciliate this historic peace, U.S. president Jimmy Carter invited Sadat and Israeli"s prime minister to Camp David. This treaty ended 30 years of hostility between Egypt and Israel, and Egypt finally recognized Israel, and Israel returned Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. -
Palestinian Unrest
Palestinian Arabs continued their struggle for nationhood. Under the UN partition plan of 1947, there were supposed to be two states in Palestine- a Jewish and and Arab state.After trhe Arab- Israeli war, the land set aside for the Arab was occupied by Israel, Egypt, and Jordan. -
Israel had began building settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinian resentment of the Israeli occupation boiled over into a rebellion called the intifada. During the intifada, Palestinian youths battled Israeli troops in the widesread street violence.