Israel–palestine conflict 600x314 (1)

Conflict in Israel

  • 1948-1949: Arab-Israel War

    1948-1949: Arab-Israel War
    Members of Arab League and the Arab Liberation Army, marched their forces into what had the previous day ceased to be the British Mandate for Palestine. The League of Arab States sent a cablegram to the Secretary-General of the prevailing in Palestine from spreading into their territories and to check further bloodshed.
  • Six-Day War

    Six-Day War
    Israel launched a defensive strike on Egyptian Air Force, following Egyptian naval blockade of the Straits of Tiran and Egyptian military buildup in the Sinai Peninsula, interpreted as acts of war. Attack quickly turned into a regional war, in which Israel defeated the combined forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and their supporters.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Syria and Egypt unleashed a surprise attack on Israeli forces in the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula on the holiest day of the Hebrew calendar and the last day of Ramadan. Jordan, Iraq, and other Arab nations joined in and/or supported Arab war effort. Many Israeli prisoners of war were tortured and killed by Egypt and Syria while in captivity.
  • Palestinians

    Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza were killed by the Israeli security forces, and an additional 15 killed by Israeli civilians. In the same period six Israeli civilians and four members of the Israeli armed forces were killed by Palestiians.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    Iraq fires 39 Scud missiles at Israel in failed attempt to regionalise conflict. Israel refrains from responding at US request.