The Six Day War
In the days before the war,Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq moved their armies to Israel’s borders. Egypt closed the international water way, the Straits of Tiran, to all Israelishipping, an act of war
in international law. -
Yom Kippur War
Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. After initial Arab military successes, the Israelis managed to push back the attack. For many Israelis, the 1973 war reinforced the strategic importance of the buffer zones gained in 1967. -
Camp David Accords
Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar al-Sadat of Egyptsigned
agreements in Camp David. The American-sponsor ed talks paved the way to the peace treaty signed in 1979. -
First Intifada
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank engaged in an uprising, or intifada, against Israeli control of these territories. Palestinians attacked Israelis with improvised weapons and firearms supplied by the PLO, which organized much of the uprising. Israel triedto contain the violence
, which was directed at soldiers and civilians, primarily in the territories. -
The Second Intifada
In September 2000, Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Jewish Temple Mount, a site revered by Jews that is also holy to Muslims. Many Palestinians claimed that Sharon’s visit was provocative and began to riot. Many Israelis claimed that Sharon's visit was a pretext for violence, not its cause since the visit was coordinated in advance with Palestinian officials