
Conflict in Israel

By yvilla2
  • War for Israelis independence

    War for Israelis independence
    the war started after the UN announced the partitioning of Palestine. It was fought between an Arab military coalition and the state of Israeli.
  • 6 day war

    6 day war
    The war lasted 5 days; Israeli said the war was to prevent an attack from Arab nations. The war was a very big lost for the Arab nations because they were defeated by only one country.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    After the Six-Day War Egypt lost alot of land and wanted to take it back. Durring the war Arab states refused to sell oil to countries that supported Israel
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Anwar Sadat declared Egypt wanted peace with Israel. Sadat and Israel’s prime minister were invited to Camp David were they signed there peace agreement and ended 30 years of hostility.
  • Egypt and Israel Peace Agreement

    Egypt and Israel Peace Agreement
    An important part of the peace agreement was recognition of each other’s countries. Anwar Sada wanted peace because he saw how there hated was harming Egypt’s economy and wellbeing of the people.