Complex Number Calculator
Bell Telephone Laboratories created the calculator that was invented by George Stibitz. This is the first instance of remote access computing. -
ERA 1101 Publicly Available
The first commercial computer is created. The first people to use it was the United States Navy. It could store one million bits on its drum. -
The first computer machine was created by the International Business Machine. -
Direct Keyboards
MIT researchers inserted the first direct keyboard input into the computer. Before they put programs into computers by feeding them into the computer on punched card or paper tape. -
Computer Chip
The integrated circuit is invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce -
Video Games
The first video game is created by Spacewar. -
The Mouse
The first computer mouse was created by Douglas Engelbart -
Personal Computers
The first personal computers were put in place by IBM and Apple -
The World Wide Web is created by Tim Berners Less. This gives everyone access to the internet. -
Mini computers
Nokia created a telephone that had access to the internet. This gave way to smart phones as we know them.