First Personal Computer Invented
Wow, the personal computer was invented in 1981. This is something that we use on a daily basis now. Life is much different. -
First Personal Apple Computer
This was the year that Apple invented a personal computer. They had a bulky computer then. Let's see how they have changed over time. -
First Del Computer
Del launched their first personal computer. If you asked a studetn today how to turn this computer on, they probably would have no idea. -
Mac Introduces Notebooks
This was a huge invention. People could walk around and bring theri computers with them. They were out on the market. -
This was the year that Dot-Com started. Big companies started making money off the Internet. -
This was the year that Apple Computers intorduced their first music player to the world that was portable. -
This was a social networking site where people could put up things about themselves. Many people became famous because of this website.