Computers/ laptops

  • Creation of computers

    Creation of computers
    The computer as we know it today had its beginning with a 19th century English mathematics professor name Charles Babbage. He designed the Analytical Engine and it was this design that the basic framework of the computers of today are based on.
  • Stockton First computer

    Stockton First computer
    The first computer I saw was in 1979,it was huge filled a room. I was in computer programming classes and the class used punch cards about 4inches wide and 11inches long. You typed on aspecial machine the punched instructions on the card, then you had to walk the cards across the college campus to have them run on the computer if your program was correct it worked, if not it would stop at the card that was"wrong"and you would have to start from there and problem was people can't read the cards.
  • Computers first at school

    Computers first at school
    Computer-aided instruction gained widespread acceptance in schools by the early 1980s. It was during this period that drilling and practice programs were first developed for exclusive classroom use. (
  • Black& white to color

    Black& white to color
    The 1980s saw the launch of PC competitors to both the Macintosh and the IBM PC that boasted sharp, high-resolution, color graphics
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  • Mr.Flores

    I graduated high school in 1995
    I remember going to a special 1 week summer camp in elementary to use a new computer that had been released, I think it was an IBM computer. I do remember computers being really bulky at first then over the years old systems and computers becoming obsolete really quickly as new models continuously came out.
  • Ms.Stockton advancements

    Ms.Stockton advancements
    Computers have changed to be almost not identifiable as what they were. Imagine the computer in your chromebook, or smartphone can do faster computations then the computers that sent people to the moon. Mind boggling! They have become less of a luxury item and more a perceived necessity. In the past they were crazy expensive for what they could do. They can still be expensive depending on how new, and what they are used for, but there are affordable options.
  • Ms.Stockton story

    When my own children were growing up they didn't have a cell phone, and there was a family computer. Then within a couple of years we went to having several computers in our home. By the time they were in high school cell phones were a luxury and few people had them. People had to pay for minutes used and they did not connect to the internet. Just a mobile phone. Now they are minicomputers.
  • Now a day

    Now a day
    Due to a pandemic , student learned to do online school. This means they get to take a computer home and learn. This can be a great thing. A computers has google which could be help ful. Computers also have a lot of other programs.
  • Mr.Flores concern

    Mr.Flores concern
    As far as computers and something I wish hasn’t changed I sometimes wonder if smart phones is hurting our society more than they help.
  • Mr.Flores top 3

    I think the need for improvements is mostly because of the demand for faster and faster computers. The more impactful change has been the influence iphones and smart phones has had on our society. Having lived thru it all it feels like there were 3 major segments of computers - pre internet, internet, and smart phones.
  • positive or negative?

    positive or negative?
    I love that computers are smaller and becoming more available to everyone. I wish people wouldn't have become "addicted" that is part of parents, and of course the material provided is stimulating and gives instant gratification and becomes addicting. I think that puts our younger people at risk of so many things that are not in their best interest from cyber bullying to not willing to work but just expecting answers. That stifles creativity.