
Computers History Timline

  • Oct 8, 1440

    Johannes Guttenberg Invention

    Johannes Guttenberg Invention
    Guttenberg invented the printing press that revolutionize this time period. It increase the rate of books that was made. The printing press also inrease of people getting education. And the King doesn't like that so he kicked out guttenberg out of the kingdom.
  • Charles Babbage The Inventor of the First Computer

    Charles Babbage The Inventor of the First Computer
    The Difference Engine Charles Babbage is the first enginner to create the first computer. The name was the Difference Engine, and it was meant to use for arranging polynomial functions. And later on Charles Babbage tried to created a better engine the Analytical Engine. The engine purpose was to be a general usable computer. It was design in 1837, but Charles Babbage didn't finish building any of his machinery, because of his Boss.
  • Period: to

    The History of The Computers

    This Timespan will go through our historical past to our recent moderndize preasent.
  • William Henry Eccles

    William Henry Eccles
    William Henry invented the first Radio Communication.
    This brings to the people news fast then the newspapers.
  • Philo Farnsworth

    Philo Farnsworth
    Philo Farnsworth is the inventor of the first electronic television. On Sempter 7, 1927; The great inventor Mr. Farnsworth got a successful transmit television signal. This man make it possible for many people to watch movies at their own homes.
  • Theodore Maiman

    Theodore Maiman
    Theodore Maiman invented the first laser. The laser is a intense beam of light. it was use for CD component in computers, but it was also use for a pointer, and for military purpose in guns. To increase the accuracey of the weapon.
  • AT&T

    AT&T is a phone connection industry that lauches the world first modem and dataphone.
  • Fairchild Semiconductor

    Fairchild Semiconductor
    FairChild SemiConductor introduce the first availble intergrated circuits.
  • Douglas Carl Engelbart

    Douglas Carl Engelbart
    Douglas Carl Engelbart invented the first computer mouse. The mouse was made for mobility, made it easier for getting where you want to be in the computer
  • Raymond Samuel Tomlinson

    Raymond Samuel Tomlinson
    Raymond Samuel Tomlinson sent the first message on a computer accross the world. The the first message that Raymond sends wasnt understandable. However later on the way we sent message is going to be change into digital.
  • Apple Inc

    Apple Inc
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak contructed the first apple computer the apple 1. Apple is going to be the number 1 computer businness, but not for long.
  • Tim Berners-Lee

    Tim Berners-Lee
    Tim Berners-Lee sucessfully set up the first web server. later on theres going to be mulitple of internet websites.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft release the first tablet with a foldable keyboard that was attached with it.
  • Touch Screen

    Touch Screen
    In 2007, apple invented the world first touch screen phone. This made apple inc very popular and succesful. later on other business will copy them and put it in there phone devices , TV, and Computers.