Computer 2

Computers, Cody Jensen

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    This Z1 Computer was invented by Konrad Zuse.
    This contributes to computers because it is a very old computer and people wanted to make it smaller, faster, and stronger.
  • Audio Oscillator

    Audio Oscillator
    This was a machine that could produce sound from a computer.
    This was the basis or blueprint for many pieces of equipment that could produce sound.
  • ABC

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer or ABC could just process data and solve simple problems.
    This was a version of a computer and now inventors were just trying to make it smaller, smarter, and faster.
  • The MARK

    The MARK
    The MARK was invented by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper and was placed at Harvard University.
    This was a breakthrough because it was the first form of a workspace and you could fit several at the same table with computers (very big ones).
  • Williams Tube

    Williams Tube
    This could store very small amounts of data.
    This was a basis and was starting to amaze people that you could store data on a device.
  • Drum Memory

    Drum Memory
    This is like a williams tube but can store a little more data.
    This was crazy for people, now more and more data was being stored in things.
  • IBM

    IBM made the first mainframe.
    This was a huge computer that could solve very hard problems in little time. We have come a long way since then.
  • Microsoft Corporation

    Microsoft Corporation
    The Microsoft Corporation was created with the help of Bill Gates. This was probly the biggest milestone or event in the history of computers because it was the first company that made and mass produced computers to everyone, I also think this led to the production and organization of Apple and other major companies.
  • Apple

    This company was like microsoft and they made computers.
    Apple is one of the most wideley used computer businesses known today.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    WWW was pretty much a map for the internet.
    This www could tell people how to find a page easier.