
By 25902
  • First ever computer

    First ever computer
    A stored-program computer includes by design an instruction set and can store in memory a set of instructions (a program) that details the computation. The theoretical basis for the stored-program computer was laid by Alan Turing
  • The first portable computer

    The first portable computer
    portable computer But 30 years ago, the Osborne 1 made its debut as the world's first portable PC, and weighed nearly 24 pounds. Created by Adam Osborne of Osborne Computer Corporation.
  • laptop history

    laptop history
    lap top The computer considered by most historians to be the first true portable computer was the Osborne 1. Adam Osborne, an ex-book publisher founded Osborne Computer and produced the Osborne 1 in 1981, a portable computer that weighed 24 pounds and cost $1795. The Osborne 1 came with a five-inch screen, modem port, two 5 1/4 floppy drives, a large collection of bundled software programs, and a battery pack
  • Fith computer made

    Fith computer made
    fith computer n this Webopedia reference article you'll learn about each of the five generations of computers and the technology developments that have led to the current devices that we use today. Our journey starts in 1940 with vacuum tube circuitry and goes to the present day — and beyond — with artificial intelligence.
  • 1999 computers

    1999 computers
    1999On December 1, 1999 the most expensive Internet domain name was sold by Marc Ostrofsky for $7.5 Million The domain was later sold on July 26, 2007 again to R.H. Donnelley for $345 Million USD.
  • 2009

    A person under the fake name of Satoshi Nakamoto introduces the Internet currency Bitcoin January 3, 2009.
  • First Ipad made

    First Ipad made
    Apple's iPad is a revolutionary product that is cratering the PC industry. But it wasn't Steve Jobs' idea. A full decade before Jobs launched the iPad in 2010, Bill Gates launched Microsoft's touch input tablet computer.May 30, 2013
  • apple computers

    apple computers
    apple computre Laptops now offer almost unlimeted things. Connections to internet, and much, much more
  • 2011 computers

    2011 computers
    2011 computers Tablets started to become more advanced and computers became lighter.