
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Konrad Zuse invented the first freely programmable computer.
  • First electric computer

    First electric computer
    First electronic computers in US, UK, and Germany.
  • First commercial computer

    First commercial computer
    First computer that was able to presidential winners was created by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly.
  • First Apple computer

    First Apple computer
    Steve Jobs released the the Apple I Apple's first computer.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    The Apple Inc. created the Apple II.
  • First portable computer

    First portable computer
    The first portable computer was created by Adam Osborne called the Osborne 1.
  • First laptop

    First laptop
    The first laptop was created by Toshiba.
  • Tablet computers were invented.

    Tablet computers were invented.
    Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation effectively invented contemporary tablets.