Invention of Z1 Computer
Konrad Zuse invents the first programmable computer. This is important to me because after this computers have been able to be programmed to do many more things, this computer changed this history of computers. -
Start of HP
William Hewlet and David Packard start Hewlet and Packard This is important because this company has created a lot of computer technology and helped computers to adapt to the way they are today. -
Invention of the Magnetic Drum Memory
Andrew Donald Booth invented the magnetic drum memory, which is a the computers memory. This is important to me because after this people started making newer more efficient computer memories that I now use in my computers. -
Invention of electronic computer
The first electronic computer was made by Hideo Yamachito in Japan. This is important to me because I use electronic computers today and it is much easier for people to get energy for them. -
Invention of computer mouse
Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse, which is a handheld device used to control a cursor on the computer screen. This is important to me becasue after this they could develop more computer technology that works with the mouse, and we still use mouses today, which have changed into trackpads, both do the same thing. -
Invention of floppy disk
IBM created the first floppy disk, which is a flexable removable disk that is used for storing data. This is important to me because of the floppy disk they have created flashdrives which I have used to keep work from past years at school, also so that people can give me large amounts of data through the flash drive. -
Invention of E-mail
The e-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson, an e-mail is a message sent electronically from one computer to another. -
Magnetic Tape
The first magnetic tape is developed in the US. Magnetic tape is used for storing computer data. This is important to me because we sometimes use magnetic tape today, and it has helped develop a lot more storage devices. -
Introduction of the Macintosh
Apple introduces their new computer the Macintosh, with a mouse and a window interface. This is important to me because it completely changed the course of computers history, we can now have high power images on computers and handheld devices. -
The World Wide Web is launched
The World Wide Web is launched to the public. This is important to me because we use the world wide web every day and it has really changed the world and how/why we use our computers.