Plankalkul was developed by Konrad Zuse. Its name means formal system of planning in German and its primary purpose is to be used in engineering. -
Fortran was developed by John Backus. It's name comes from Formula Translation. Its primary purpose is to be used for scientific and engineering applications. -
MATH-Matic was designed by Remington Rand. Its actual name is AT-3 compiler which stands for Algebraic Translator. It was used as a programming language for general purpose electronic digital computer designed for business application in the US. -
Lisp was developed by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin. The name Lisp comes from List Protector. Lisp was created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs. -
COBOL was designed by Howard Bromberg, Norman Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, and Gertrude Tierney. COBOL is an acronym that stands for Common business oriented language. It is primary purpose is to be used in business, finance, and administrative systems. -
RPG was developed by IBM. RPG stands for report program generator. Its primary purpose is to be used in business applications. -
BASIC was created by John G Kemeny and Thomas E Kurtz. The primary purpose of BASIC was to allow students in fields outside of science and mathematics to use computers through writing simpler programs. BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. -
Logo was developed by BBN technologies and designed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, Cynthia Solomon. Its name comes from the Greek word logos which means thought. Its primary purpose is to be an educational programming language. -
B was created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. B comes from a different language called BCPL. B was designed for language and system system software. Dennis Ritchie speculated that the name B may come from an unreleased language called Bon. -
PASCAL is named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal. It was developed by Niklaus Wirth. Its primary purpose is to encourage good programming practices that use structured programming and data structuring. -
C was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Bell labs as a successor to B. C is designed to be compiled and provides low level access to memory and language constructs. -
ML was designed by Robin Milner. ML stands for Meta Language. Its primary purpose is to provide pattern matching for function arguments. -
SQL was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin, and Raymond F. Boyce. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Its primary purpose is to manage data in a relational database management system. -
Ada was created by Tucker Taft and Jean Ichbiah. Ada was named after Ada Lovelace who is seen as the first computer. ADA improves safety by using a compiler to catch errors. -
C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is a part of the C family. It is an expansion of C that has classes. It has object oriented, generic, and functional features. -
Python was developed by Guido van Rossum. Its name comes from a British comedy group called Monty Python. It is a general purpose programming language. -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft. It was derived from Basic. Its primary purpose is that it enables rapid development of the Graphic User Interface, and accesses databases. -
Delphi was developed by Danny Thorpe. Its name is a reference to the Oracle of Delphi. Delphi was designed to support access to hardware and low level programming and to be able to incorporate code written in assembly language. -
PHP was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. Its primary purpose is to be used in web pages. -
Java was developed by James Gosling. It's purpose is to let application developers write once and run anywhere. It was named after Java coffee from Indonesia. -
Javascript was designed by Brendan Eich. It's primary purpose is to enable interactive web pages. It was named Javascript as a marketing ploy because at the time Java was the hot new programming language.