
Computer Timeline

  • Holes in Cards

    Holes in Cards
    b) Holes in cards, First used in 1725. Cards are stiff pieces of paper that contained commands. Commands and data are represented by holes in the card.
  • Anallytical Machine

    Anallytical Machine
    c) the analytical machine, 1837, The analytical machine was a proposed mechanical all purpose use computer conceptualized by an English mathematician, Charles Babbage
  • Von Neuman Architecture

    d) Von Neumann architecture, The first written description of how an electronic computer should store programs and processes information. The first account of the Von Neumann architecture was published in John Von Neumann’s report of the EDVAC on June 30, 1945. This architecture is comprised of an Arithmetic Logic Unit, a memory unit, a control unit, and input/output.
  • The ENIAC

    The ENIAC
    e) ENIAC, was the first electronic general purpose computer. It was capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems . Invented February 15, 1946.
  • the Univac

    the Univac
    f) UNIVAC, UNIVAC is short for Universal Automatic Computer, and the first Univac was released in 1951. It was developed by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. The Univac is an electronical computer that contains thousands of vacuum tubes which use punch cards for outputting and storing data.
  • High Level Programming Language

    High Level Programming Language
    g) high-level programming language,1960’s, It is a programming language that may hide important parts of computing systems
  • The PC

    The PC
    h) PC, An inexpensive computer meant for an individual user which is all based on the microprocessor. Businesses use this for accounting, Word Processing and publishing.1961.
  • Unix Operating System

    Unix Operating System
    i) UNIX operating system, was the first program to be written in a high level programming language, which meant it could be installed on any computer. Created in 1969.