Computer Timeline

  • IMB System/370 created

    IMB System/370 created
    This system was created and included the use of Virtual Memory and also utilized memory chips. It also had a model 145 mainframe which was the company's first all-semiconductor memory computer.
  • Period: to

    Years Computers Have Evolved

  • Tandem Computers Release the Tandem-16

    Tandem Computers Release the Tandem-16
    This has been tailored for online transaction processing and is one of the first fault-tolerant computers. Bank industries rushed to adopt the machine, built to run during repair or expansion.
  • VIC-20

    Commodore releases the VIC-20 home computer as the successor to the Commodore PET personal computer.a less expensive alternative to the PET, the VIC-20 was highly successful, becoming the first computer to sell more than a million units.
  • Aldus creates a Page Maker

    Aldus creates a Page Maker
    The page maker was one of three components to the desktop publishing revolution. Two years later, Aldus released a version for the IBM PC. Developed by Paul Brainerd, PageMaker allowed users to combine graphics and text easily into professional quality documents.
  • Sony Vaio series is created

    Sony Vaio series is created
    The Vaio signaled their entry into the global computer market. The first Vaio was a desktop computer that featured an additional 3D interface on top of the Windows 95 operating system.
  • Google was invented

    Google was invented
    Google was created as a search engine program that searches the Internet and found web pages with information based on what the person looked up.
  • Nintendo Wii comes to market

    Nintendo Wii comes to market
    The Nintendo Wii was a new way to interact with gaming systems while the Wii remote was a way to gesture recognition into gaming.
  • Dom's significant event

    Dom's significant event
    Since my mom worked at Sony she brought home a Play Station 2 and me and all my foster brothers played it 24/7 for almost 3 months then my mom got tired of it and limited our play time.
  • Apple Ipad released

    Apple Ipad released
    The Apple iPad is basically an iPhone, but you do not get a phone number. There was a built in high definition camera, access to the iTunes store, and audio-video capabilities.
  • Apple Watch invented

    Apple Watch invented
    The apple watch was to notify people if they had an incoming phone call or text without having to check their phone. Basically the Apple Watch was a miniature computer in the form of a watch.
  • Alia's significat event

    Alia's significat event
    In late April of 2016, I had ruined my iPhone 5. My mom told me I could get a new phone so I decided I wanted an iPhone 6s. I have gotten 2 other replacement iPhone 6s's since then.