Computer Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Abacus- It can only add and sub. Invented by Egyptians or Chinese. ( Not sure )

    Abacus- It can only add and sub. Invented by Egyptians or Chinese. ( Not sure )
  • Blaise Pascal invented a calculating machine

    Blaise Pascal invented a calculating machine
  • Pascaline- It is the calculator that could add and sub.

    Pascaline- It is the calculator that could add and sub.
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a calculator that could add subtract multiply divide

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a calculator that could add subtract multiply divide
  • Leibniz- It is a calculator that Leibniz made

    Leibniz- It is a calculator that Leibniz made
  • Charles Babbage is called the grandfather of computing. The machine he made could store information.

    Charles Babbage is called the grandfather of computing. The machine he made could store information.
  • Augusta Ada Lovelace is the World First Programmer

    Augusta Ada Lovelace is the World First Programmer
  • Herman Hollerith made IBM which stands for The International Business Machine Corporation machine that can calculate tickets.

    Herman Hollerith made IBM which stands for The International Business Machine Corporation machine that can calculate tickets.
  • First typewriter

    First typewriter
  • Difference Engine that Charles Babbage made

    Difference Engine that Charles Babbage made
  • Tommy Flower Made Colossus which helped them translate messeges.

    Tommy Flower Made Colossus which helped them translate messeges.
  • Alan M. Turing is the Founder of Computer Science, Mathematician, Philosopher, and Codebreaker.

    Alan M. Turing is the Founder of Computer Science, Mathematician, Philosopher, and Codebreaker.
  • Vacuum Tube 1st generation

    Vacuum Tube 1st generation
  • Carl Manneh Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device - first video game ever

    Carl Manneh Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device - first video game ever
  • Transistors 2nd generation

    Transistors 2nd generation
  • Steve Wozniak is Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in mid 70s.

    Steve Wozniak is Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in mid 70s.
  • Tim Berners Lee is the Inventor of WWW. President of WWW foundation.

    Tim Berners Lee is the Inventor of WWW. President of WWW foundation.
  • Bill Gates Made Microsoft with his friends

    Bill Gates Made Microsoft with his friends
  • Integrated Circuit got smaller. It is about the size of a thumb.

    Integrated Circuit got smaller. It is about the size of a thumb.
  • Twitter- Dick Costolo

    Twitter- Dick Costolo
  • qwertyuiop- first email sent on 1971

    qwertyuiop- first email sent on 1971
  • Google- Larry Page

    Google- Larry Page
  • Minecraft- Carl Manneh

    Minecraft- Carl Manneh
  • first online social networking- BBS (bulletin board system)

    first online social networking- BBS (bulletin board system)
  • First touchphone

    First touchphone
  • Flappy Bird- Dong Nguyen

    Flappy Bird- Dong Nguyen
  • Microprocessors are very small!!

    Microprocessors are very small!!
  • Facebook- Mark Zuckerburg

    Facebook- Mark Zuckerburg