computer time line

  • first computer ever made

    first computer ever made
    the first computer took up about 1,800 square feet of room
  • the first moblie phone

    the first moblie phone
    the first mobile phone was called the Motorola. it weighed 4.4 pounds
  • first bar code

    first bar code
    the first bar code ever made that changed the shopping would because every store uses bar codes now.
  • the start of apple

    the start of apple
    apple started on april first it cost around 3k dollars today
  • windows was being made

    windows was being made
    micosoft first announced the creation of windows
  • youtube was created

    youtube was created
    youtube the multi billion dallor website is made
  • first iphone

    first iphone
    the first iPhone ever made and soon to become the multi-billion dollar industry it is now.
  • the iphone 10 is 1M times more power ful then the computer they lunched apollo 11 rocket ship to space with.

    the iphone 10 is 1M times more power ful then the computer they lunched apollo 11 rocket ship to space with.