Computer Technology Timeline

  • The First "Computer"

    The First "Computer"
    1801: In France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom that uses punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs. Early computers would use similar punch cards.
  • The First 'Real' Computer

    The First 'Real' Computer
    1822: English mathematician Charles Babbage conceives of a steam-driven calculating machine that would be able to compute tables of numbers. The project, funded by the English government, is a failure. More than a century later, however, the world’s first computer was actually built.
  • Mathematical Computer

    Mathematical Computer
    1941: Atanasoff and his graduate student, Clifford Berry, design a computer that can solve 29 equations simultaneously. This marks the first time a computer is able to store information on its main memory.
  • The Birth of Programing

    The Birth of Programing
    1954: The FORTRAN programming language is born
  • Prototype of Modern Computer

    Prototype of Modern Computer
    1964: Douglas Engelbart shows a prototype of the modern computer, with a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI). This marks the evolution of the computer from a specialized machine for scientists and mathematicians to technology that is more accessible to the general public.
  • Creation of Ethernet

    Creation of Ethernet
    1973: Robert Metcalfe, a member of the research staff for Xerox, develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware.
  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    1976: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day and roll out the Apple I, the first computer with a single-circuit board.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    1981: The first IBM personal computer, code-named “Acorn,” is introduced. It uses Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system. It has an Intel chip, two floppy disks and an optional color monitor. Sears & Roebuck and Computerland sell the machines, marking the first time a computer is available through outside distributors. It also popularizes the term PC.
  • Youtube ; Broadcast Yourself

    Youtube ; Broadcast Yourself
    2005: YouTube, a video sharing service, is founded. Google acquires Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating system.
  • ChromeBook

    2011: Google releases the Chromebook, a laptop that runs the Google Chrome OS.
  • Something New

    Something New
    2015: Apple releases the Apple Watch. Microsoft releases Windows 10.