Computer technology

  • The difference engine

    The difference engine
    The difference engine is the first automatic computer. It weighed 5 tons. It was used as a normal computer.
  • The colossus

    The colossus
    The colossus was used to encrpyt german messages during world war 2.
  • the first computer

    the first computer
    The first copmuter was opended to the public yet it had very little uses compared to today.
  • cassette tapes

    cassette tapes
    A TDK D-C60 cassette, a common speech-quality tape with a 60-minute playing time, in a housing similar to that of the original Philips' Compact Cassette specification
  • Maganvox odyssey

    Maganvox odyssey
    This Magnavox is one of the many Magnavox Odyssey video game console.
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    The apple computer was created by Steve Wozniak. It is a personalised computer released by the apple company.
  • IBM simons

    IBM simons
    The Ibm simon was the first cellular phone to include telephone and PDA features in one device. It is a handheld, touch screen cellular phone.
  • Commodore PET

    Commodore PET
    Personal/Home electric computer. It was a top seller in Canada and in the united states educational market.
  • Blu ray player

    Blu ray player
    The Blu ray player is a very good quality dvd player.
  • Iphone first generation

    Iphone first generation
    The first I phone is a smartphone designed by apple.