Computer technology advances in the 90's

  • MP3 player

    MP3 player
    This was the an easier way to listen to music becayse of its size and holding capacity.
  • SMS

    Although it was being developed in the 80's, the first text wasn't sent intil 1992, with that text being "Merry Christmas"
  • Play Station

    Play Station
    Owned by Sony, play staytion, and was one of the most popular consoles. It was the first console to ship 100 million units.
  • DVD player

    DVD player
    Toshiba was the frist company to release a DVD play to the market, and they were instatntly a big hit.
  • iMac

    The iMac came with a built-in telephone modem at a time when most computers included these only as optional extras. And it also the product that saved Apple.