COBAL Takes Off
COBAL ( or Common Business- Oriented Language for short) was was a business focused programming language which would swiftly increase in popularity. Designers include Howard Bromberg, Norman Discount, Vernon Reeves, and others. Technically first appeared in 1959. -
ATLAS Computer
Considered the one of the first supercomputers. Invented by Tom Kilburn, it was designed to run nuclear physics calculations using multiprogramming and virtual memory. -
Floppy Disk
transportable disks designs to move information from one computer to another, invented by Alan Shugart and other IBM engineers. -
Invention of DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
Invented by Robert H. Dennard, went on to reduce the cost of computers, making them more affordable to average consumer. -
Computer Mouse Patented
The first computer mouse was created that allowed people to interact with a graphical interface was created by Douglas Engelbart. It was previously publicly demonstrated in 1968.