Computer Technology Advacnements during my life!

  • Game Cube

    Game Cube
    The GameCube was released in Japan on the 14 of September in 2001 and was released in America on the 18th of November. This piece of tech was the successor of the Nintendo 64. It made it easier to store games which made better storage. Especially in disk storage slots
  • Blue-Ray

    Think of a DVD, but it could contain up to around 25 gigabytes of storage. This made movies much better. If the content creators wanted to add scenes or extend the movie or add different effects to it, then the storage wasn't going to be a problem. Now, it is very difficult to burn anything onto a blue-ray, because it takes a few pieces of software and hardware to write anything on it. Also, you could store several hours of HD(High Definition) TV onto it!
  • Wii

    The Wii is a great invention that followed its predecessor, the GameCube. You could play GameCube games as well as play Wii games. Mario Kart also got an upgrade, from Mario Kart to Mario Kart Wii edition! You didn't need both consoles to play different games. The Wii could play both Wii and GameCube! Thus making it easier to store games and use less space to set up the console!
  • iPhone - 1

    iPhone - 1
    This was one of the greatest inventions, in my personal opinion, to ever hit the market. Steve Jobs has come out with a seminar to show the world what this device could do! Instead of using a stylus to use on the screen, you could use your finger. After the release of this revolutionary device, apps were readily available to use so that you could play games and use social media and connect with people around the world. Instead of having to write down anything, you could use your iPhone!
  • iPod touch

    iPod touch
    This was revolutionary for Apple consumers. Instead of using buttons to play your favorite song, you could touch the screen to play your favorite song. This changed a lot. The release was soon after the release of the iPhone on the same year. You couldn't use like you could use the iPhone. There were different limitations compared to the iPhone, but it was there so that kids could use it.