Computer + Related Technology Timeline

  • Charles Babbage created the First Computer

  • Samuel Morse created the Telegraph

  • Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone

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    IBM was formed and created their first computer

  • The First Communication Satellite was launched

  • The microprocessor is invented by Intel

  • First email messages are sent

  • Ethernet is created by Robert Metcalfe and team

  • Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerf invent the Internet

  • Paul Allen and Bill Gates found Microsoft

  • Apple Company is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne

  • First cellphones are available for sale

  • Google company is formed

  • Flash Drives were created and first sold by IBM

  • Bluetooth technology was created and used in computers

  • Human Genome Project was successfully sequenced by scientists

  • Facebook was first developed

  • Google launched its mapping, service called Google Maps

  • Apple released their first smartphone

  • Curiosity, the mars Rover was first launched