Computer Pioneers

  • Ada Lovelace Born

    Ada Lovelace Born
    Find the Picture wrote the first machine algorithm
  • Reynold Johnson Born

    Reynold Johnson Born
    [Birthday]( invented the electronic test scoring machine that senses pencil marks on a standardized form
  • Alan Turing Born

    Alan Turing Born
    Contribution discovered theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence
  • Ralph Baer Born

    Ralph Baer Born
    Find the Picture created the first light fun and game for home TV use
  • Philip Estridge Born

    Philip Estridge Born
    Find the Picture allowed users to write programs themselves
  • Adam Osborn Born

    Adam Osborn Born
    Find the Picture invented the first portable computer and founded Paperback Software
  • Alan Kay Born

    Alan Kay Born
    Find the Picture worked on object oriented programming and windowing graphic design
  • Abhay Bhushan

    Abhay Bhushan
    Find the Picture developed Internet TCP/IP architecture and early versions of email protocols
  • Steve Wozniak Born

    Steve Wozniak Born
    Find the Picture co-founder of Apple Inc.
  • Alan Cooper Born

    Alan Cooper Born
    Find the Picture founder of Cooper (interaction design consultancy)
  • Bill Gates Born

    Bill Gates Born
    Find the Picture founded Microsoft
  • Steve Jobs Born

    Steve Jobs Born
    Find the Picture co-founder, chairman, and chief executive of Apple Inc.
  • Robert Morris Born

    Robert Morris Born
    Find the Picture made first worm on internet
  • Barbara Liskov Born

    Barbara Liskov Born
    Find the Picture co-founder of CEO
  • Tim Berners-Lee Born

    Tim Berners-Lee Born
    Find the Picture created World Wide Web (www)