Ada Lovelace
Rea More
Powerful Women in technology -
Edith Clarke
Invented the Clark caculater -
Ralph Baer
Awarded the national Meda of Tech -
Jean Bartik
Developed Binac and Univac -
Robert Morris
Unix computer operating systems -
Barbara Liskov
Programming Methology group at MIT -
Adam Osborne
First portable computer -
Nolan Bushnell
https://www.buncee.com/buncee/v2/379024?share_key=ccd990bfc5ee11e59eff00185179db73Producing a space war clone known as computer space -
Steve Jobs
CO- founder of Apple, inventor and entreprenuer -
Bill Gates
CO founder of Microsoft -
Linus Torlvalds
Gary Thuerk
Marketing manager for the now defunt computer company digital -
Jack Dorsey
infoCO founder and CEO of twitter -
Ben Silberman
Co-Founder and CEO of Pinterest -
Alexis Ohanian
Entreprenuer that co-founded the social news website.