ada lovelace
Very 1st computer programer. -
George Sibitz
He is internationally recognized as one of the fathers of the modern first digital computer -
reynold johson
invented an electronic test scoring machine that sensed pencil marks on a standardized form. -
Jean Bartik
She attended Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, majoring in mathematics and graduating in 1945. -
Barbara Liskoy
In 1968 she became one of the first women in the United States to be awarded a Ph.D. from a computer science department -
Alan Kay
He has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science. -
Abhay Bhushan
He been a major contributor to the development of the Internet architecture, and is the author of the File Transfer Protocol. -
Al Alcorn
He worked for the pioneering video company Ampex, where he met Ted Dabney and several other people that would end up being constants -
Anita Borg
Borg got her first programming job in 1969. Although she loved math while growing up, she did not originally intend to go into computer science and taught herself to program -
Alan Cooper
Widely recognized as the “Father of Visual Basic -
James Gosling
While working towards his doctorate, he wrote a version of Emacs called Gosling Emacs -
Bill Gates
He is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, and computer programmer -
Robert Morris
he United States, was a Liverpool-born American merchant who financed the American Revolution and signed the Declaration of Independence -
Marrissa Mayer
She is currently as the president and CEO of Yahoo!, a position she has held since July 2012. -
ben Silbermann
Subsequently, the gifted student graduated from Des Moines Central Academy and Des Moines Roosevelt with the class of 1999