Computer Pioneers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Developed calculators with Ada Lovelace
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Designed computer hardware sketches
  • Edith Clarke

    Edith Clarke
    Invented Graphical Calculators
  • George Stibitz

    George Stibitz
    Concieved first electrical digital computer in 1937
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Created Turing machine, deciphered Nazi Enigma machine
  • Barbara Liskov

    Barbara Liskov
    Contributed to programming language and system design
  • Alan Kay

    Alan Kay
    Created object oriented programming
  • Nolan Bushnell

    Nolan Bushnell
    Created Atari
  • Vinton Cerf

    Vinton Cerf
    Co-designer of TCP/IP protocol
  • Al Alcorn

    Al Alcorn
    Created video game industry
  • Gary Thuerk

    Gary Thuerk
    Accidentally invented "spam" when sending out mass email promoting hsi new company
  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Co-founder of Apple
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Co-founder of Apple
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Founded Microsoft
  • Mark Zuckerberg

    Mark Zuckerberg
    Inventor of Facebook