ada lovelace
Analyst, Metaphysician, and Founder of Scientific Computing -
Reynold B. Johnson
best known for creating the first computer hard disk drive -
Grace Hopper
invented the first computer compliers and a computer scientist -
Konrad Zuse
a computer pioneer who built one of the first program controlled computer machines -
Alan Turing
he led the design for a automatic computer engine -
Jean Sammet
she supervised the first scientific programming group in 1955 though 58 -
Robert Morris
was a cryptographer who helped devlope the unix computer operating system -
Philip Estrage
is known as father of the IBM PC and led development of the original IBM Personal Computer -
Alan Kaye
is best known for programming and windowing graphical user interface design -
Al Alcorn
the designer of the video arcade game Pong -
Anita Borg
she encouraged the careers of other female computer scientists by founding the Institute for Women and Technology -
Steve Jobs
creater of apple -
bill gates
Jack Dorsey
co-founder and CEO of Twitter -
Jawed Karim
co founder of youtube