Charles Babbage
invented the first mechanical computer. Has 8 children and he's also called the father of computer. -
Reynold Johnson
He was an invetnor and a computer pioneer. He invented the harddrive. -
Ralph Baer
He was a pioneer in video games. -
Adam Osborne
Known to make the first commercially available protable computer called the Osborne1. -
Barbara Liskov
A professor in Engineering. One of the first women to receive a Ph. D from a computer science department. The topic of her Ph. D thesis was to play chess end games. -
Vint Cerf
One of the founders of internet along with Robert Kahn. -
Abhay Bhushnan
Electrical engineer. Hes also the contributor of the developement of the internet. -
Steve Wozniak
Co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs. -
Steve Jobs
He was the chairman of Apple, the first iMac was the iMac G3. He also made the movie production Pixar. -
Bill Gates
He is the creator of Microsoft, has donated over a billion dollars to charities.