Ada Lovelace
She was involved with scientific computing. she designed the flying machine. -
Edith Clarke
About Edith ClarkeShe was the first female professor for electronic engineering. she got her bachelor's degree. -
John Atanasoff
Created the electronic digital computer. He died of a stroke. -
Reynold Johnson
Made the disk drive. He was an employee of IBM. -
Jean Bartik
Created the ENIAC computer. She has a musium named after her. -
Barbara Liskov
About Barbara LiskovShe programmed langues like CLU and Argus. She was born in Califorina. -
Alan Kay
He made small computers. he also was a jazz guitarist. -
Abhay Bhushan
He waa an internet TCP/IP architecture. He was president of the IIT-Kanpur foundation. -
Anita Borg
She was apart of the institute for women and technology. she was givent he Augusta Ada Lovelace reward. -
Alan Cooper
he deigned a visual basic computer called the cooper design. he was also a publisher. -
Bill Gates
Created Microsoft. He dropped out of Harvard University,