Computer Literacy Scavenger Hunt

By dlduke
  • 500


    Learn more about the abacusA counting frame, or calculator invented by Tim Cranmer; first used by Greeks
  • Analytical Machine

    Analytical Machine
    Analytical machine
    Charles Babbage (1791-1871), computer pioneer, designed two classes of engine,
  • Punch cards

    Punch cards
    Learn more about punch cardsThe form before computers where you punched a program and then a machine would play it
  • Punch Cards

    Punch Cards
    Learn more about punch cardsThe form before computers where you punched a program and then a machine would play it invented by Herman Hollerith
  • high-level programming language

    high-level programming language
    More about this prgramA program that allows programmers to write programs invented by John Backus
  • Von Neumann

    Computer architecture or a computer's system, John Von Neumann

    More about ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Computer Invented by John Mauchly on February 15, 1946

    View UNIVACElectronic digitally stored program, founded by John Mauchly
  • UNIX operating system,

    UNIX operating system,
    Introduction to UnixDennis Ritchie invented multi-tasking, multi-user computer operating system in the 1970’s
  • Altair

    Go to AltairElectronics company that manufactured calculators and computers invented by Ed Roberts in the 1970’s
  • PC

    More about PC'sA technology operating program and computer manufacturer by Henry Edward Roberts in 1971
  • CRAY-1

    History on CRAY-1A supercomputer that is like no other computer invented by Seymour Cray in 1972
  • apple

    Multinational Technology Company founded by Steve Jobs
  • First electronical spreasheet

    First electronical spreasheet
    History of SpreadsheetsFirst spreadsheet program invented by Bricklin and Bob Frankston in 1978
  • Windows

    Go to Windows websiteA technology company founded by Bill Gates introduces in 1981
  • Macintosh

    Go check out the manufacterer Series of personal computers invented by Steve Jobs