Computer Literacy

  • Feb 24, 1387


    technology A calculating tool
  • The analytical machine

    as a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer designed by English mathematician and computer pioneer Charles Babbage
  • Holes in cards

    Holes in cards
    a piece of stiff paper that contained either commands for controlling automated machinery or data for data processing applications
  • von Neumann architecture

    von Neumann architecture
    describes a design architecture for an electronic digital computer with parts consisting of a processing unit containing an arithmetic logic unit.

    technologythe first electronic general-purpose computer

    the name of a line of electronic digital stored-program computers starting with the products of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation
  • high-level programming language

    high-level programming language
    enables a programmer to write programs that are more or less independent of a particular type of computer
  • .UNIX

    operating system, a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix
  • Altair

    A-type main sequence star with an apparent visual magnitude of 0.77 and is one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle
  • Apple

    designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics
  • CRAY-1

    technologya supercomputer designed, manufactured and marketed by Cray Research
  • First electronic spreadsheet

    an interactive computer application for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form.
  • Macintosh

    a series of computers designed by apple
  • Windows

    a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft
  • PC

    genaeral-purpose computer for individuals