computer inventions

  • First Computer: “Difference engine”

    The “Difference Engine” was a proposed mechanical computer to be used to output mathematical tables.
  • First Personal Computer: “Simon”

    “Simon” by Edmund Berkeley was the first affordable digital computer that could perform four operations: addition, negation, greater than, and selection.
  • First Real-Time Graphics Display Computer: AN/FSQ-7 by IBM

    AN/FSQ-7 was based on one of the first computers that showed real-time output, Whirlwind
  • First Mouse

    He thought up a device with a pair of small wheels (one turns horizontally the other vertically) which can be used to move a cursor on a screen.
  • First Touchscreen

    It’s a capacitative touchscreen panel, with no pressure sensitivity (there’s either contact, or no contact) and it only registers a single point of contact (as opposed to multitouch).