Development of COBOL
COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) is one of the first programming languages developed. Some private computer companies and the Pentagon worked together to create a language that could be used anywhere on any computer used for business. Some programs that use COBOL exist to this day. Grace Hopper is considered the "mother of COBOL". -
Atlas Super Computer
This computer was the fastest of its kind during the 1960s and remained in use until the 1970s. It was the first computer to utilize virtual memory. Tom Kilburn lead the development of virtual memory. -
ASCII Is Developed
Bob Bemer created the American Standard Code for Information Exchange otherwise known as ASCII. This code allows a user to input letters, numbers and symbols to the computer to be displayed. -
IBM System/360
Gene Amdahl lead IBM's project System/360. This software revolutionized computers by focusing on compaitibilty. All IBM system from then on were able to interchange with another. In fact, most of IBM's modern computers have some components of System/360. -
The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was the precursor to modern day internet. It was funded by the United States Department of Defense. J.C.R. Licklider led the program with a vision of connecting the world in the midst of the Cold War.