Computer 1

Computer History Timeline

  • Binary System

    Binary System
    The binary system was discovered by Gottfried Leibniz.
    The binary system is important because it is used internally by almost all modern computers and computer-based devices.
  • Boolean Logic

    Boolean Logic
    George Boole developed Boolean Logic.
    Boolean algebra has been fundamental in the development of computer science and is yet the basis of the abstract description of digital circuits.
  • Flip-Flop Circuit

    Flip-Flop Circuit
    Two American physicists, Eccles and Jordan, invented the flip-flop circuit.
    The flip-flop circuit was necessary for high-speed electronic calculating.
  • Invention of First HDD

    Invention of First HDD
    The first hard disk drive was invented by an IBM team. It contained fifty 24 inch disks, had a capacity of 5 MB and cost over US$1,000,000.
    The hard disk drive allowed computer technology to advance.
  • Spacewar!

    Spacewar!, the first video game, was developed by grad student Steve Russel at MIT.
    This video game inspired others to write their own video game programs.
  • System of Keyboard, Keypad, Mouse, and Windows

    System of Keyboard, Keypad, Mouse, and Windows
    Douglas Engelbart first demonstrated his system of keyboard, keypad, mouse, and windows at the Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco.
    His system made the computer easier to be utilized.
  • Cellular Telephones First Tested

    Cellular Telephones First Tested
    Cellular telephones were first tested in Japan and Chicago.
    These bulky cellular telephones were a milestone in the creation of our regular phones.
  • TRS-80 Model 100

    TRS-80 Model 100
    The TRS-80 Model 100 was the first "laptop" computer.
    From this "laptop" computer came the modern laptops that we use today.
  • Toy Story

    Toy Story
    Toy Story was the first full-length feature film to be completely computer generated.
    Toy Story encouraged others to make similar full-length, completely computer generated films.
  • 1st Generation iPhone

    1st Generation iPhone
    Apple Inc. designed and marketed the 1st Generation iPhone.
    The iPhone has begun a new age in computer technology.