Computer History Timeline

By rdalton
  • Hewlett-Packard Founded

    Hewlett-Packard Founded
    linkWas first founded in a garage in Califorina. The first product was the HP 200A audio Oscillator.

    linkCreated for the US gov. by the Unniversity of Pennisilvania. Was the size of a whole room
  • ERA 1101

    ERA 1101
    linkThe ERA 1101 was first commercially produced computer and the first customer was the navy. It held 1 million bits on its magnetic drum
  • DEC-PDP-1

    linklinkSold for 120,00 and only 50 of them were built. They did not need air conditioning and required only one operator.

    It was the first internet. Ued by the government to help with defense and research.
  • Kenbak-1

    linkThis was the first personal computer advertised for $750. They closed there doors after only selling 40 machines.
  • Magnavox

    linkfirst video game console that could be connected to tv. Was created by Edwin Pridham and Peter L. Jensen
  • Xerox Alto

    linkFirst work station
  • Dulmont Magnum

    Dulmont Magnum
    linkFirst flip formed laptop released in Australia. Was not realsed world wide until 1984.
  • World Wide web

    World Wide web
    linkThe first interlinked hypertext via the internet. was created by Tim Berners -Lee
  • Wireless LAN

    Wireless LAN
    linkFirst home based wireless networking. Used to send data and voice packets in a house.
  • First Playstation

    First Playstation
    linkwas realsed in 1994 and used in a home and was hooked up to a tv
  • First IPod

    First IPod
    linklinkThe first mobile music player and hard drive. realsed by apple and was a world wide device.
  • First Mac Book

    First Mac Book
    linkFirst apple mobile computer. Was black or white and had and intel core duo processor.
  • Iphone 5

    Iphone 5
    linkthe newest iphone created by apple. New look all black and the thinest one so far.