HP Micro Computer HP-85
A microcomputer with 16 KB of RAM, a 32 KB ROM, a 5-inch CRT display, a built-in printer, tape drive, and keyboard -
1st Hard Drive
It weighed 550-pounds and cost $40,000. The first hard drive to have a storage capacity of one gigabyte was also developed by IBM in 1980 -
Namco realeses Pac-Man
It is a single-player arcade video game released it ran Archer Linux operating system -
It's an operating for a PC created by Paul Allen and Bill Gates while working for IBM. MS-DOS was limited to a command line interface, the system also lacked multitasking, multiuser capabilities -
Apple Home Computer
It was created by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. It allowed homes to have a more compact computer to browse the internet and do work. It was the first time that a mouse and a graphical user interface were used which made it commercially successful