computer History

  • Herman hollerith designed sistem to calculate the statics

    Herman hollerith designed sistem to calculate the statics
  • Alan Turing presents a machine capable of computing

    Alan Turing presents a machine capable of computing
  • J.V Atanasoff attempled to build the first changes computer without gears

    J.V Atanasoff attempled to build the first changes computer without gears
  • Atanasoff and clifford Berry designed a computer is able to store information and its main memory

    Atanasoff and clifford Berry designed a computer is able to store information and its main memory
  • John Mauchly and j. Presper Eckert built the Electronic Numerical integrator

    John Mauchly and j. Presper Eckert built the Electronic Numerical integrator
  • Mauchly and presper designed the first computer language

    Mauchly and presper designed the first computer language
  • Grace Hopper developed the first computer language

    Grace Hopper developed the first computer language
  • Douglas Engelbart showed a prototype of the modern computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface

    Douglas Engelbart showed a prototype of the modern computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface
  • Alan shugart invented the floppy disk allowed data to be shared among computers

    Alan shugart invented the floppy disk allowed data to be shared among computers
  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak stared Apple computers, the first computer with a single-circult board

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak stared Apple computers, the first computer with a single-circult board
  • Jobs and wozniak. it offered color graphics and incorporates an audio cassette driver for storage

     Jobs and wozniak. it offered color graphics and incorporates an audio cassette driver for storage
  • Eckeret the first computerized apreadsheet program

    Eckeret the first computerized apreadsheet program
  • The first IBM personal computer desktop

    The first IBM personal computer desktop
  • Apple's Lisa. the Gavilan SC is the first portable computer the first to be manipulated as a laptop

    Apple's Lisa. the Gavilan SC is the first portable computer the first to be manipulated as a laptop
  • It was created by David Miller, relied on the administration of energy and the aptitude to work with batteries

    It was created by David Miller, relied on the administration of energy and the aptitude to work with batteries
  • Tim Bemmers developed the hypertext markup language

    Tim Bemmers developed the hypertext markup language
  • The microprocessor pentium advanced in the use of graphs and music in pc

    The microprocessor pentium advanced in the use of graphs and music in pc
  • The PC They turned into machines of game

    The PC They turned into machines of game
  • Sergey Brin and Larry page develop Google

    Sergey Brin and Larry page develop Google
  • Wi-fi turned partly of the it language and the persons began to connect to internet without cables

    Wi-fi turned partly of the it language and the persons began to connect to internet without cables
  • Apple presented the operating system mac so x that provides architecture of projected

    Apple presented the operating system mac so x that provides architecture of projected
  • Youtube was founded, a service to share video

    Youtube was founded, a service to share video
  • Apple presented the MacBook pro, his first mobile computer of double core

    Apple presented the MacBook pro, his first mobile computer of double core
  • Microsoft threw windows 7, which offered the possibility of anchoring applications to the bar of tasks

     Microsoft threw windows 7, which offered the possibility of anchoring applications to the bar of tasks
  • Apple presented the ipad changing the form that the consumers see the means

    Apple presented the ipad changing the form that the consumers see the means
  • Google threw the chrmebook, computer that executes the operaning system

    Google threw the chrmebook, computer that executes the operaning system
  • Mark Zuckerberg created facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg created facebook
  • Apple launched the Apple watch microsoft launched windows 10

    Apple launched the Apple watch microsoft launched windows 10
  • The first reprogrammable quantum computer was created

    The first reprogrammable quantum computer was created