Computer History

  • Hewlett-Packard is Founded

  • Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3 computer

  • . First digital computer

  • The first computer company was the Electronic Controls

  • MIT introduces the Whirlwind machine

  • Hewlett Packard released its first general computer

  • Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs designed the first Apple

  • Apple Computer launched the Macintosh

  • The Amiga 1000 is released

  • The first computer was created

  • World Wide Web is launched

  • Commodore introduces the Commodore 64

  • The Iomega Zip Disk is released

  • Intel released the 80486 microprocessor

  • Apple releases Mac OS X

  • AMD realeases Athlon 64

  • Facebook began as a social networking website.

  • Google acquires Android

  • The first iPhone was produced by Apple

  • The University of Michigan Micro Mote (M3), the world’s smallest computer, was constructed

  • Apple introduces the Apple Watch