Hewlett Packard
Hewlett-Packard is founded -
First Simulator
During World War II, the U.S. Navy approached the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) about building a flight simulator to train bomber crews -
First Ram
The Williams tube won the race for a practical random-access memory -
First Magnetic Storage
The IBM 726 was one of the first practical high-speed magnetic tape systems for electronic digital computers -
IBM shipped its first computer
First electronic computer that was shipped was the 701 during 3 years of production -
At and t designed first data phone
the first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data -
IBM 1301 Disk Storage Unit is released
Maximum capacity was 28 million characters and the disks rotated at 1,800 R.P.M -
First Email was sent
Ray Tomlinson of the research firm Bolt, Beranek and Newman sent the first e-mail -
Apple computer launched Macintosh
the first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphic user interface -
The World Wide Web was made
Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, the high-energy physics laboratory in Geneva, developed HyperText Markup Language