Computer History

  • Battery

    A device to store electricity in a small cell
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    A Machine used to calculate numbers by cranking a wheel.
  • Typwriter

    The typewriter was a device used to write printed letters on to a sheet of paper with out using a pencil or pen.
  • CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)

    CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
    It is a tube that will let monitor screens work. It fires elctrons into a vacuum that displays the screen movements.
  • Stereo

    The stereo is a device that plays sound based on a electronic frequncy it is reciving
  • The Computer

    The computer is the first electro-mechanical binary programable computer and the first functioning computer
  • Colossos & Genisis

    Colossos & Genisis
    A computer used in world war 2 to crack nazi codes. it probaby shortened the war by 1 year.

    A computer that would test big things for WW2 like the hydrogen bomb and calculate the angle of trajectory of a missile.
  • Transistor

    A device that stores information for early computers
  • Microchip

    The microxhip is an invention that uses small transistors to store the computing power of a computer as well as storing memory
  • The Computer Mouse

    The Computer Mouse
    A device used to show a pointer on the monitor using 2D motion sensor
  • Resistive touchscreen

  • Internet

    A cyber network that is accesible to anyone and is used to give information to the user.
  • Wi FI

    Wi FI
    A network that lets you comunicate through the earth without cabels hences WI FI (Wire Free
  • xBox

    A HD video game console that has revolutionized that video game community. The xBox remote is build so that it fits in your hand.
  • Iphone series

    The Iphone 1 was one of the first touchscreen phones around and it was very good for its time. it could store aps and call people and take pictures.
  • MInd reading chip

    MInd reading chip
    A chip that is programed and placed into your brain to be able to "talk" with your phone and send emails without moving a finger.
  • AI (artificial intellegince)

    A program that thinks for its self and will be able to make its own desicions without the need of people.