Computer History

  • The complex number calculator

    The complex number calculator
    In 1940 Stibitz demonstrated the CNC at an American mathematical society conference held at Dartmouth College. This was most likely the first example of remote access computing.
  • Harvard Mark 1 is completed

    Harvard Mark 1 is completed
    Professor Howard Aiken designed and built the IBM which is the first room sized, relay- based calculator. The machine used thousands of parts to put together and over 3,500 relays.
  • Magnetic Tape

    Magnetic Tape
    This system used a unique vacuum channel of keeping a loop of tape circulating between 2 points allowing the tape to drive to start and stop the tape in a split second.
  • digital phone lines

    digital phone lines
    They developed this device specifically for internal uses like to put more calls on each of the main lines connecting their own switching centers.
  • Atlas Computer

    Atlas Computer
    Virtual memory permitted a computer to use its storage capacity to switch rapidly among multiple programs or users.
  • Floppy Disk Drive

    Floppy Disk Drive
    The outcome of this work is a read- only, 8 inch, 80 kilobyte floppy disk and disk drive which was the worlds first.
  • Birth of Modern Mobile Network

    Birth of Modern Mobile Network
    ARPA funded the outfitting of a packet radio network. A related set of experiments test our voice over, this will also play a huge role in 1977 as a major birthplace for the internet.
  • First computers installed in White House

    First computers installed in White House
    A computer was not actually installed in the white house until the Carter administration put one in. Staffers were given terminals to access a shared Hewlett- Packard computer and the technology department acquired a Xerox Alto for the Oval Office.
  • Nintendo releases

    Nintendo releases
    The American electronic game market had been depressed due to a glut of poorly performing games and consoles. the same year, Nintendo its famicom gaming system in Japan.
  • Laser 128 is released

    Laser 128 is released
    VTech, founded in Hong Kong, had been a manufacturer of pong- like games and educational toys when they introduced the Laser 128 computer.