Computer History

  • Period: to

    History of Computers


    Wikipedia It was created to solve number problems. It was later used to calculate balistic trajectories.
  • Computer Monitor

    Computer Monitor
    Wikipedia CRT or cathode ray tube. This is the name of the first computer screen.
  • Disk Drive

    Disk Drive
    Wikipedia Invented by Reynold Johnson. It had a total capacity of 3.75 megabytes

    Wikipedia It was one of the world's first networks. Unlike the networks today the ARPANET was made for sharing files.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    Computerhope Created by Douglas Engelbart. It was made out of would and only had one button.
  • Digital music

    Digital music
    WikipediaIt was invented by Alex Reeves. It was used to record messages.
  • Osborne 1

    Osborne 1
    [Howstuff works]( It wieghted 10.7 kg. and it coust $1,795. It ran the cm/cp OS.
  • Internet

    [Source]( › ... › Internet Statistics and Resources) The ARPANET changed to the Internet when the NSF expanded it to the Internet Protocal. Soon after it was open to everyone.
  • Bluetooth

    [Bluetooth]( by Ericsson a Swedish tech company. It was first used to send files about science reaserch.
  • Apple ll

    Apple ll
    Apple llAn 8-bit computer designed by Wasniak. It was the first of the Apple computers.
  • Rio PMP300

    RIO PMP300 One of the first portable digital MP3 players the Rio PMP300 was first sold on the 15th of September in 1998 and it was an instant hit but was quickly replaced due to its lack of memory and could only hold a few songs.IT WOULD NOT LET ME INSERT AN IMAGE(capitalized just so you see it)