computer history

  • Western Digital was founded

    Western Digital was founded
    Western Digital is a company that manufactures computer hard drives
  • Computers were first installed in the White House

    Computers were first installed in the White House
    Computers were installed when Jimmy Carter was in office.
  • FRED the robot

    FRED the robot
    Friendly Robot Educational Device was first built but never made it into the stores founded by Nolan Bushnell.
  • Microsoft Introduces word

    Microsoft Introduces word
    Word was developed by Microsoft Corporation.
  • Pixar is founded

    Pixar is founded
    Originally called the special effects computer group creates animated films. It was bought out by Steve Jobs from Lucasfilms and in 2006 Disney bought it.
  • Photoshop is released

    Photoshop is released
    A system in which you can edit images; created by John and Thomas Knoll; developed by adobe systems
  • The AIBO robotic pet dog

    The AIBO robotic pet dog
    A $2000 Artificial Intelligent Robot that responds to many commands.
  • The Roomba is introduced

    The Roomba is introduced
    A vacuum that detects its surroundings and avoids obstacles founded by I Robot.
  • The Apple I phone is introduce

    The Apple I phone is introduce
    This event is important because I have an I phone and I like the brand.
  • The Mac book air is released

    The Mac book air is released
    The first ultra laptop that is lightweight and thin created by apple.