
computer history 2010s

  • apple iPad

    apple iPad
    Inventor / Steve Jobs iPad worked perfectly well for lightweight tasks such as email, browsing, editing documents, and presenting keynotes in meetings. There were thousands of productivity apps, games, and more.
  • virtual reality (VR)

    virtual reality (VR)
    Inventor / Ivan Sutherland It creates a simulated environment and growing force beyond entertainment and is an important tool in education, science, commerce, manufacturing, and more.
  • Amazon Alexa

    Amazon Alexa
    Alexa can perform pre-set functions out-of-the-box such as set timers, share the current weather, create lists, and access Wikipedia articles, Alexa has since grown both in popularity and functionality. With thousands of Alexa Skills extending its capabilities, one can now ask Alexa to order pizza, dim the room’s lighting, jot down a shopping list and automatically place an order, and more. We can use technology with vice. We don't need to type words or even move anymore.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Inventor / Jony Ive It is a wearable smartwatch that allows users to accomplish a variety of tasks. You don't need to take your phone with you always if you have it.
  • Pokemon Go

    Pokemon Go
    Inventor / John Hanke It was so popular all over the world. You can be a Pokemon trainer in this app and get Pokemon from walking around. People think it's fun excising.