Computer History

  • Period: to

    Computer history

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    What: The first programable computer. Why: I chose this, because it was the first programable computer which in a way was the beginning of the computer age.
  • IBM 701 EDPM Computer

    IBM 701 EDPM Computer
    What: The first IBM computer came into the spot light. Why: I chose this, because for quite a long time IBM was a very popular computing system.
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    What: The first computer game was created by Steve Russel & MIT Why: I chose this, because gaming on your computer is very popular today 52 yeras later.
  • ARPAnet

    What: The first orginal internet was created Why: I chose this, because the internet has become such a large aspect of todays world.
  • Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers

    Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers
    What: First consumer computers used. Why: I chose this because consumer computers are so popular today almost every house has one.
  • WordStar Software

    WordStar Software
    What: First word processor Why: I choose this, because word processing is what most people use to day when writing essays and such.
  • Microsoft introduces Word

    Microsoft introduces Word
    What: Micrsoft introduces a word processing system Why: I chose this, because word processing systems are very important today.
  • The IBM PC-RT had 1 megabyte of RAM, a 1.2-megabyte floppy disk drive

    The IBM PC-RT had 1 megabyte of RAM, a 1.2-megabyte floppy disk drive
    What: The largest hard drive of the time. Why: I choose this, because the size of the hard drive has affected how people have used computers since.
  • Mosaic Web Browser

    Mosaic Web Browser
    What: The first graphical internet system is created. Why: I chose this, because before the internet was a very complex thing. Now it was much easier to understand
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.0

    Mozilla Firefox 1.0
    What: A new better internet system. Microsoft Internet Explorers biggest competition since Netscape Navigator. Why: I chose this, because when the internet became bigger, better, and faster it was a whole new computing world.