Leibniz machine (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz)
First of all, the calculating machine was built and developed in 1668. This is important because it is used for calculating data and also processing it. For example, try to calculate the equation ((568783593800-99880043643868+63766008685)/ 38885) *3566 in your head. It is very hard and that is why we use calculators. An interesting fact about the Leibniz machine is that before it was invented, calculating machines could only add and subtract. After it was invented though, multiplication, divisio -
George Boole
George Boole 2 November 1815 – 8 December 1864) was an English mathematician, philosopher. He worked in the fields algrebic logic, and is now best known as the author of the law of thought . As the inventor of the prototype of what is now called boolean logic, which became the basis of the modern digital computer, Boole is regarded in hindsight as a founder of the field of computer scient. At age 19 Boole -
Charles Babbage Analytical Engine
The Analytical Engine was the worlds first general-purpose computer. It was designed by Charles Babbage, an English Mathematician in the 1830s. It was finally constructed in the year 1991 because the government hadn't supported it enough to pay for it earlier. The main contribution to the Computer System is that it had a store and a mill. Also an analogous to today's memory and processor. This engine is aimed to be classified under Input Devices and Output Devices. -
Charles Xavier Thomas’s Mechanical Calculator
Whenever you’re about to study maths you always come with a calculator in hand, just the thought of forgetting you’re calculator at home send a shiver down your spine. But let me ask you a question, what if calculators were never invented at all? This article is going to be all about Thomas’s calculator and answering questions such as what year it was developed and what its main contribution to the Computer System is. Charles Xavier Thomas was the frenchman who, in 1851, had manufactured the m -
The First Programmer:Augusta Ada King (Countess of Lovelace)
Charles Wheatstone, a friend of Babbage’s, commissioned Lovelace to translate an Italian article, written by Luigi Menabrea, about Babbage’s Analytical Engine in 1852-1853. She added some of her own notes to the translation. Her notes contained the algorithm that is the first program. Without this program, we probably would have developed other programs either really slowly, or not at all, so it’s incredibly important. -
Charles Babbage Difference Engine
The calculating engines of English mathematician Charles Babbage (1791-1871) are one of the most celebrated icons in the history of computers. Babbage is sometimes also called the "father of computing." Babbage’s Difference Engine No.1 was the first successful automatic calculator and remains one of the finest examples of precision engineering of the time. The Difference Engine is a calculator. It prepares numerical tables using a mathematical technique known as the method of difference. -
ICT- Computer System (Chester Carlson's Xerox machine)
The first xerox machine was invented in the year 1938, in New York City. It’s important to the computer system because it helps us photocopy papers. The xerox machine is used in places like offices and retail stores. The xerox machine is an output device. The xerox machine is used in business, education, and government. -
Integrated Circuit (chip)
Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce created the or developed the integrated circuit (chip). Integrated circuit are the hardware or processor for example is in IPhone there is a chip call A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, etc. Those are the integrated circuit. Chip are used for a variety of devices like microprocessor, audio and video equipment, etc. Chips makes electronic faster like IPhone it make the graphic faster and making the phone not lag. Integrated Circuit was developed in the 1950s by Jack Kilby and Rober -
Information on Integrated Circuit
In 1959 March 24, Jack Kilby was said to be the person who invented the integrated circuit, but it was developed way before him. Integrated circuit was actually the idea of four main people who are Jack Kilby, Kurt Lehovec, Robert Noyce and Jean Hoerni. -
Douglas Engelbart
Douglas Engelbart was an American engineer and inventor. He is also an early computer and internet pioneer. He work for Bill English. They want an invention which can make your life more easier for computers so they first mouse was invented in 1964. The first mouse was made from wood and its designed by Bill English from Engelbarts sketch. -
MS-DOS Computer OperatingSystem
The initial release of the MS-DOS was in August 1981; 32 years ago. Today, MS-DOS is no longer used; however, the command shell, more commonly known as the Windows command line is still used by many users. You can still use MS-DOS by searching for “CMD” on the search bar of your computer. This invention or idea aimed or can be classified under the Operating Systems. -
Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee is a inventor that invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information. He wrote the first web client and server in 1990. His specifications of URLs, HTTP and HTML were refined as Web technology spread. Tim is the 3Com founders