
Computer History

  • Period: to

    COmputer History

  • ENIAC Invented

    ENIAC Invented
    The History of ComputersThe ENIAC was the first digital computer and cost almost $500,000. The machine was the size of a small gym and contained over 17,000 vacuum tubes.
  • UNIVAC Invented

    UNIVAC Invented
    The History of ComputersThe final cost of constructing the first UNIVAC was close to one million dollars. Forty-six UNIVAC computers were built for both government and business uses.
  • SPACEWAR invented

    SPACEWAR invented
    WikipediaIt took the team about 200 man-hours to write the first version of Spacewar.

    Wikipedia was one of the world's first operational packet switching networks.The network was initially funded by the ARPA.
  • Wireless local area network

    Wireless local area network
    Wikipedia wireless local area network links two or more devices using some wireless distribution method
  • Internet Invented

    The History of the EthernetThe ethernet is a system for connecting computers within a building using hardware running from machine to machine.
  • Acorn Network

    Acorn Network
    WikipediaAcorn Computers was a British computer company established in Cambridge, England in 1978. Acorn produced a number of computers which were especially popular in the UK.
  • Apple Macintosh

    The History of AppleSeventy-four days after the introduction of the "Macintosh", 50,000 units had been sold, not that strong a show.
  • Yahoo Invention

    Yahoo Invention
    Wikipedia was founded in January 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo, who were Electrical Engineering graduate students when they created a website named "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web".
  • Google

    Computer hope Originally known as BackRub Google is a search engine that started development in 1996 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page as a research project
  • Arctic Company Invented

    Arctic Company Invented
    Wikipediatoday is a manufacturer of computer cooling, electronics, and other computer related peripherals.
  • z/OS

    Wikipediaz/OS is a 64-bit operating system for mainframe computers, produced by IBM.
  • jQuery

    Computer Hope jQuery is a JavaScript script package meant to make common and repetitive tasks in JavaScript with HTML short and understandable code.
  • IPhone

    WikipediaThe history of the iPhone line of phones begins with Steve Jobs direction that Apple Inc
  • IPad

    Computer HopeA table style computing device similar to the iphone. It can run almost all of the apps that the iphone can.