The Enigma
The enigma was the german coding machine that they used during World War II. I choose this because it was the reason we couldn't break codes in World War II. -
Computer Bug
It was first used when a moth samshed into his computer and it then had a problem. -
First electirc computer
The first electric computer invented by Hideo Yamachito. -
First computer game
Spacewar was the first computer game ever released. -
The first mouse
This is when Douglas Englebart invented the first x-y mouse. -
First Video Game
This is when the first video game was relased, Pong. -
This was when the apple company was first created. -
This is when the first laptop the Xerox Note was invented. -
Microsoft was the first real good graphical user interface. I choose this because I still use it and really like it. -
Microsoft Word
This was when the word processing program microsoft word came out.